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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

You work as a climatologist for the city planner in your hometown. You have been asked to research historical data covering the annual mean temperatures for the north and south sides of your town. You have compiled a graph showing trends as far back as 1885.

The city planner wants this information because it will help him plan future renovations to your city's public parks and recreation areas. The community is very interested in the findings, because the recreation areas being developed will affect their lives for years to come.

Your research has indicated the following:

  • The average mean temperatures for the past 112 years have ranged from the high 40s to low 50s.
  • The south side of town has traditionally been warmer than the north side by one or two degrees.
  • Both north and south sides were an average of eight degrees warmer during the 30-year period from 1955 to 1985.
  • Since 1995, both north and south sides have experienced cooler temperatures than ever before -- in the low- to mid-40s.
  • Since 1995, the temperature difference between the north and south sides have evened out, and both sides are now very similar.

The city planner has seen your data. She has asked you to write your findings up in an interesting fashion to be included in the city's newsletter to residents.

You know that your report must be factual, but it must also be entertaining and perhaps even amusing. People do not like to read dry documents full of scientific data.

Write your report now.