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Diamond/Gem Specialist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

"I am constantly dealing with people via mail, e-mail and phone, so good communication skills are indispensable," says cutter Jeff White.

When you are competing with other custom cutters or mass-production houses, here are some things you might rely on to attract customers to your services:

  • Your educational and training background -- you have a degree
  • Your years of experience -- 10 years
  • The variety of cuts and kinds of gems you cut -- rubies are a specialty
  • Pictures -- you have them in digital format
  • References from satisfied customers -- they are part of your brochure
  • Press clippings about your work -- also part of your brochure
  • Your prices and turnaround time -- a price list is with the brochure

You get an e-mail from a potential customer who has a ruby that you would really enjoy cutting. She says that she is considering your services along with two or three others. Using the items noted above, how would you write an e-mail that might convince her to choose you?