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Interior Designer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Being an interior designer means being able to come up with great designs, and being able to pass on your ideas on to others. This can be especially tricky in design, where so much of what's being described is conceptual. It's all in the designer's head!

You can sharpen this skill by exercising your imagination. Picture in your mind a room as you see it after your designs are in place. Make it a formal living room of modest size. You've been hired to turn it into the dream room for your clients and they want you to go wild. While you'll do some sketches and drawings to help pass the idea along, you'll need to come up with some words as well.

In 300 words or less, describe the room. Focus on the most important items as you scan around the room in your mind's eye. Maybe it's the furniture or the walls or the carpeting. But be specific. The idea is to use so much detail that your clients can picture the room in their minds as well.

For more information related to interior design, see:

International Interior Design Association