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Video Game Developer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

"Video game development is a collaborative effort and efficient communication is very important," says Emanuel Borsboom, senior software engineer and former video game developer. "Programmers bounce ideas off each other all the time."

If you're developing video games, you'll be working with other people. You'll need to be able to communicate with them effectively. There will be stressful times and slow times. Sometimes you'll need to come up with decisions, like, now!

"Generally, you need to be in contact with the other people you work with and be able to deal with issues quickly," says Cary Brisebois. Brisebois is a senior programmer at a video game company.

Here is an example of an actual e-mail exchange between video game developers (and yes, the names have been changed!). Read it and see if you can answer the questions below. Don't worry if you don't know some of the terms they use.

Joe Videogame wrote:
Hey guys:
There are a couple of items I'd like to bring up for discussion. As I start to create actual levels, I'd like to know if the way I am creating assets needs to change.
1) Collision - My understanding is that the ground plane needs to be convex, so that means to make anything other than a plane requires creating multiple pieces and butting them up against each other. I have tried this method and there seems to be issues when the character tries to traverse these seams in the collision.
2) Alpha sorting - Not a show stopper, would make making art easier if it sorted properly.
Your thoughts?
Jane Programmer replied:
1) I think I will be creating a player class that uses better collision detection and locomotion. This will allow us to create a standard collision mesh. In the meantime we will have to live with the current shape collision.
2) Once I am finished improving the raycasting interface I will be working on the alpha sorting issues. Once that is done I will be working on lighting and shading (toon, layered, etc).

After reading these e-mails, answer the following questions:

A: Is alpha sorting a top priority right now?

B: Could the game be released without fixing the "collision?"

Want to learn more? Check out this URL to read about e-mail etiquette in the office:

Business E-Mail Etiquette