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Hotel/Motel Manager

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

As a hotel manager, dealing with staff is a big part of your job.

You have received a number of complaints from other staff about one of your best front desk attendants. Although he is efficient, creative and good with the customers, none of the other staff want to work with him. In fact, several other good front desk attendants have asked for transfers or quit, just to avoid working with this person.

After doing some research, you find out this person has been rude to his co-workers and has actually criticized some of them in front of customers. Since you believe a happy staff and teamwork are very important, you will have to talk to this employee about his treatment of his co-workers before the situation gets any worse.

It's a delicate situation, because you value this employee's skills and you don't want him to get upset and quit, but you don't want to lose any of your other employees either.

"Our aim is to provide a safe and productive working environment for each and every employee we have on the team," says hotel manager Hashem Melhem.

You decide to invite this employee to your office to talk. How are you going to tell him to shape up?

"An employee who creates a 'hostile' working environment for other employees is accountable and responsible for their actions," says Melhem.