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Industrial Engineer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

One of the hardest things for industrial engineers to do is explain their work to others. While this may be just frustrating at a dinner party, it can be disastrous to a career if an engineer can't clearly explain projects to co-workers, bosses and the company's shareholders.

"Communication skills are very important -- both written and oral," says Elena Joshi. She teaches industrial engineering at Pennsylvania State University.

"Industrial engineers need to be able to communicate just as effectively with workers on a production line as they do with high-level managers. They also tend to work with other engineers on teams and should be able to participate effectively as part of a team as well as be able to take a leadership role within a team."

You're one of those industrial engineers who works as part of a team. You're all working on a new machine that will mold more efficient parts to be used in electric cars.

The machine is very complex because it is unlike any now used in traditional car plants. Instead of a welding or riveting machine, you've designed a huge plastic mold that will create lightweight parts. The light parts will help cars run faster and farther on electric power.

But before your company invests the $1 million it will take to build six of these machines -- enough to put cars in full production -- they want to be convinced it will work and is needed.

The engineering team has picked you to make a brief presentation at the board of directors' meeting. This is the group that decides every strategic move the company makes.

You will speak after a marketing executive who will talk about the need for electric cars. Your job is to talk about the machine itself.

Some things you'll want to mention are:

  • The machine's design specifications are measured to microns. This means it is a precise piece of machinery that can in turn produce precision car parts over and over.
  • The machine has very few moving parts and could last up to five years in full production use. Most steel-working machines last only two years.
  • The machine will require only one employee to operate it, who will monitor it on a sophisticated computer program.

In short, you want to explain that the machine is good for the company. Anything you can mention to back that up will help. Remember to show your engineering expertise without slipping into jargon. The people in the audience won't be all engineers, so make it plain and simple.