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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Geneticists present their research at conferences. It is an effective way to inform people about your findings -- if you can speak well.

"If you give a good talk at a conference and you have 500 people watching you, that's much more than will ever read your papers, so it really has a high impact," says geneticist Elizabeth Schultz.

Often, poor speakers and writers will fill their sentences with extra verbs. They think it sounds like they have more to say than they really do. In fact, it usually just sounds drawn-out and wordy. They'll say "at the present" instead of "now." Or "does not pay attention to" instead of "ignores."

The following is the introduction for a speech you plan to deliver. Rewrite it, eliminating as many wordy phrases as possible. It's 165 words long, but could be much shorter!

Research in the field of genetics has exploded greatly over the past decade. New advances in the areas of in vitro fertilization and genetic screening are leading to new procedures. Human embryo cloning might become possible during the course of the next few years.

Human cloning, however, brings up many new, never-before-seen ethical questions. The scientific community and the public need to come to terms with the implications of this research. Scientific advances are bringing about social changes that many thousands of people will not be able to accept. They are realizing they need to bring pressure to bear on the government to regulate research.

As with any scientific or technological advance, the most important question that needs to be asked is whether or not the gains outweigh the potential losses. Human cloning might become a brave new step in fighting disease and improving the quality of life. But on the other hand, it might bring about dehumanization and a new genetic underclass.