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Web/Digital Interface Designer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

You have been commissioned to spruce up the Town of Blandford's web page. In the last few years, there has been a boom in the town's travel and recreation industry. Because of a skyrocketing interest in all things Blandford, you need to revamp the town's website.

Here are the things you want to include on the main page:

  • Town logo and banner
  • Links to local businesses
  • Town history
  • A "What to do in Blandford" section
  • Close-up shot of cute local kid

Rank the items in order of importance. Your ranking will determine how much space each item will take on the page, as well as how high up on the page it will go. Explain why each item belongs on the web page.

"Communication skills, I think in almost any career, are very important," says web designer Oai Truong. "For the web as well, because it's a different type of communication. It's communicating by using words and images... Your audience on the web is the world, and so you really have to understand how people are going to perceive the message. To be a good communicator visually and literally is very important."