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University President

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're president at a college that serves many different towns in a sparsely populated region. The college has a central location and many satellite offices to accommodate people in small towns that can't travel the great distance to attend the main campus.

Currently, your college is undergoing funding cuts. One of the campuses in a small town may have to close because of the budget cuts. People in the town are very upset because it is the only way they can upgrade their education while living in the area. They're worried about the future of the resource industry in their area, and the need for them to learn new skills.

But you just don't have enough money to keep the center open and offer all the training courses that these people say they need.

"In times of declining funding, there are very serious decisions that have to be made," says Jim Kassen. He is a college president.

You could keep the center open and slash the number of courses offered. Or you could close the center and offer many of the courses through correspondence.

What do you do?