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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Good judgment and excellent decision-making skills are musts if you want to become an immigration lawyer. That is because the decisions immigration lawyers have to make in their practice can have an immense impact on the lives of their clients, and the consequences of error are far-reaching.

For instance, a person may get deported and never be allowed again to enter that country if you make a wrong choice. "So if you blow it, and make the wrong decision about how an application should be processed, or how to handle a situation with the immigration department, it could have huge consequences for your client," says Michael Greene. He is an immigration lawyer.

You are an immigration lawyer. A client from Australia has been busted for working illegally, and now faces a deportation order. He now faces two choices. He can follow the order and fly back to Australia. Or he could ask his girlfriend to sponsor him for permanent residency status.

But here is the catch: if immigration officials reject the application, he may never return to work and see his partner. She, however, is not entirely thrilled by the idea of sponsoring your client.

What do you do?