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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Every day, juvenile detention officers are faced with difficult decisions. Each situation poses a new challenge.

You are an officer at a large juvenile detention center that houses youthful offenders from a wide range of backgrounds. Sometimes, those backgrounds clash. Fights break out and gangs can form if the kids aren't watched closely enough.

On this day, the bell signaling the end of the outdoor exercise period has just rung. The inmates are making their way back to the facility's classrooms for more schoolwork when you see a scuffle break out.

It involves two young men. It starts when one bumps into another, apparently by accident. The second youth pushes the first and before long, threats and pushes are being exchanged.

You make it over to the scene of the fight before any punches are landed. You separate the youths and make them wait while the others go back to the classroom.

What do you do?