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Nurse Practitioner

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

One of your teenage patients has come to see you. She is showing all the signs of pregnancy, so you decide to have her tested.

The tests reveal she is pregnant. When you tell her, she is extremely upset. After all, she's only 15.

A week later, the girl's mother comes to see you because she's concerned about her daughter. Apparently she's become very depressed and withdrawn. The mother asks if you know what might be wrong.

You are torn. You also treat her mother. In fact, you've been treating the whole family for years. You have a difficult decision to make.

Do you respect the girl's privacy and keep silent about what you know? Maybe she'll eventually decide to confide in her mother.

Or do you tell her mother about the pregnancy? The mother is very worried. Besides, the girl is under 18; surely her mother has a right to any information you have about her daughter's health. What do you do?