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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

One of the students whom you tutor is Jason Rowen, a junior who is having problems with mathematics. Jason's parents have made arrangements with you to meet with Jason in your office for three hours a week until the end of the school year.

At the end of each month, you invoice Mr. and Mrs. Rowen for 12 hours of tutoring service. Under the terms of your contract, you invoice for any session that was missed unless you receive 24 hours' notice of cancellation.

The first month goes fine. However, in the second month, Jason begins showing up late for his sessions. Sometimes he misses as much as half of the session. You are not able to extend his sessions beyond the agreed-upon time, as you have other students booked for sessions immediately following Jason's. On one occasion, he doesn't show up at all.

You have asked Jason to be on time or to notify you in advance if he is going to cancel. He agreed to do this, but didn't follow through with his agreement. When you speak to him about this the second time, he tells you that he is also involved with athletic events and that these activities are taking time away from his tutoring. He begs you not to tell his parents what is happening.

"My parents will make me drop out of football if they know that I'm not making my tutoring sessions. Sports are really important to me and mathematics is not. Please don't tell my parents what is happening," he says.

What do you do?