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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Umpires have to be pretty quick on the draw. Calling balls and strikes is one of the most important jobs anyone in baseball can perform. It's the umpire's job to call an accurate and, most importantly, fair game. Anything less would be unprofessional.

It's the bottom of the ninth inning of a game between the Jocksberg Sailors and the West Rhodes Songbirds. Jocksberg slugger Bruce Beefcake is at the plate with the bases loaded and two out. The count goes full -- three balls and two strikes. The next pitch could mean the game.

The pitcher winds up...and the pitch...it's a strike. Yeah, that's strike three, at least from your angle. "Strike three!" you scream.

Before you can even take off your facemask, Sailors coach Billy Castleburger is all over you, screaming: "That was a ball! That was a ball and you know it! Reverse your call! You're going to cost us the championship!"

Is Castleburger right? Even the pitcher looked surprised when you made the call.

What do you do?