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Web/Digital Interface Designer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You walk into the boardroom of a major corporation feeling more than a little intimidated. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," you manage to squeak. "Sorry I'm late."

Blank stares all the way around. Gee whiz, you think to yourself, this meeting's going to be about as much fun as a skin rash.

About an hour later, you emerge from the boardroom with a big smile on your face. The meeting was a success. You have been offered a position as a web designer at the corporation.

Should you accept?

You have to admit the offer from the corporation is an impressive one. On the other hand, you do enjoy being your own boss as a freelancer. Your business is not exactly booming, but it is growing every month. Unfortunately, there may not be enough time in a day to stick it out and do both jobs.

"I think with any career you weigh being on your own," says web designer Oai Truong. "Being on your own, it's obviously less stable income but typically more freedom as far as the type of work you do and when you want to work."

What do you do?