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Training and Development Manager

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Bachelor's degree or higher +

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

"As with any business, the speed at which things are moving these days is something none of us have ever seen before," says Dave Egan, who is with an online training company. "So the ability to make good decisions quickly is absolutely key."

On top of having to make them fast, training managers must make many difficult strategic decisions. They base their decisions on experience, their knowledge of their employees and other factors, including cost.

You are a training manager. You must make sure that all 5,000 of your company's employees understand the details of a new sexual harassment law. The law is important because it allows employees who are the targets of harassment to sue the corporation and recover damages.

It's up to you to make sure that everyone understands the law in full. Doing so will minimize the risk of harassment. By showing that you made an effort to train employees on the issue, you could protect the company from lawsuit damages in the future.

The only question now is how to do it. You do some cost estimates and are comfortable that in the long run, any money spent on training will be recovered.

What do you do?