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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're a clinical research physician doing a study on a new drug for treating atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a very rapid, irregular heartbeat.

You're told that a man at the hospital is currently suffering from atrial fibrillation and that he has consented to participating in the study.

When you talk to the man, you learn that he's at the hospital because his newborn daughter is in very serious condition in the ICU (intensive care unit). The young girl is likely to die very soon. The father is understandably devastated.

The night before speaking to you, he had left the hospital for a while and become intoxicated at a nearby bar. His drinking is what caused the atrial fibrillation.

If the man participates in the study, he'll be hooked up to electronic monitors for six to eight hours. He'll be interviewed, blood samples will be taken, and you'll be looking at the distribution of the drug throughout his body. The entire process will take eight to 10 hours.

The man has consented. But there's a good chance his daughter will die in the coming hours.

What do you do?