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Subway and Streetcar Operator

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Decision-making skills are also important when you have to deal with the public. "For example, you have to know when to push for a fare, and when to back off," says streetcar operator Carlos Munoz. He says it may be better to back off from an argument with a rider because it may lead to physical violence.

You are a streetcar operator. It is Monday morning with rush hour at its peak. Your car is packed with 60 commuters.

You stop to pick up a few more riders. But one of them does not pay the full $2 fare. He is 40 cents short. Regulations require you to ask for the full fare. And if the person does not pay up, you have to stop the car and call security.On the other hand, you could let him ride along. Who is going to notice 40 cents, right?

What do you do?