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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

For the last two years, you've been researching a geological phenomenon, and you feel you know your subject well.

Your initial research caused you to come up with a radically different theory on the cause of this phenomenon. It has raised a few eyebrows in the geological community. You haven't minded the raised eyebrows, however, because you felt all the data supported your theory and not the more commonly accepted ones.

Now, in the final stages of your research, the data seems to have turned on you. Your studies seem to be saying you're on the wrong track with your theory and point to a flaw at its very core. It's the kind of situation scientific researchers have nightmares about, and now you have to decide how to deal with it.

You could stop all your research now and claim your funding was cut. That way you could just let the situation blow over, and it wouldn't jeopardize your reputation in the scientific community.

Your second option is to swallow your pride, admit the mistake and start your research over. You're still interested in this phenomenon and this option would let you continue your research, even though it means feeling embarrassed in front of your peers. What are you going to do?