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Football Referee

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You are officiating a high school football game. Early in the game, you have to make a close call. You think about it carefully, then rule against the red team (the home team).

The red team's coach disputes the call. He yells at you and calls you an idiot. He is extremely vocal. Your role is to be impartial. You are not to take sides. Therefore, you don't change your ruling.

Later in the game, you have another close call. In your judgment, it should go against the red team again.

You remember the coach's attitude when you made the call in favor of the visiting team early in the game. He will go off the deep end if you rule against him twice.

You will have to work with this coach again. No doubt he will taunt you and call you an idiot for the rest of the season if you rule against his team for the second time.

What do you do?