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Diamond/Gem Specialist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

"Math skills are a must," says cutter Jeff White. "Trigonometry comes into play in doing design angle conversions as well as the design of the stones themselves. Computer programs have been written that greatly simplify this process, but at least a decent background in math is necessary."

You'll also be selling your services, so you will need math skills to provide estimates to potential clients and bill clients. When someone brings a rough gem to you to request a custom cut, here is how you might estimate the charge.

Gem labs charge what may be called a dopping fee, which includes the elements for evaluation and setting up the stone for the cut. In addition, they usually charge a per carat fee for the finished product.

If someone brings a 10-carat amethyst and a 12-carat emerald to you for an estimate, what would the bill be based on the following?

  • You charge a dopping fee of $20.
  • You charge $10 per carat for amethysts and $11 per carat for emeralds. (Prices vary due to differences in raw material.)