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Athletic Director

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Batting averages, scores, season stats -- sports are full of numbers. You knew when you decided to become an athletic director that you were going to have to do some number crunching. But you didn't know just how much.

You work with the statistics from each of the teams. You are responsible for budgeting and paying expenses. You are even in charge of ordering all the supplies that are necessary to keep the athletic department running.

Today, you're working on the budget for the athletic department. Budgeting isn't difficult, but it's time-consuming and you have to be very careful as you determine the different figures and percentages. It's not your favorite part of the job. But if you're going to do it, you're going to take the time to do it right.

As you work through the budget, you find that you're going to have to spend some time on the percentages. Your total budget for the department is $340,000. According to your calculations, the department has spent $30,000 on the swim team, $75,000 on the baseball team and $83,000 on the football team.

Additionally, $56,000 has been spent on equipment and improvements. Now you need to determine what percentage of the budget is left to last to the end of the year.

How do you find what percentage of your budget is left?