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Medical Equipment Repairer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Because they work with such technologically advanced equipment, BMETs must have a firm grasp of math.

BMETS use math for activities such as keeping budgets, calculating percentages, timing, averaging and doing the math needed to troubleshoot equipment. They also use math to maintain parts and equipment inventories. They also produce budget reports for salary expenses or equipment costs.

"[You use math a lot] since medical equipment is very expensive to purchase, maintain and repair," says Holly Johnson. She's an imaging equipment technician. "Math is brought into the equation on a daily basis.

"Equipment depreciates over time," adds Johnson. "When the equipment begins to break down, you have to budget [for it] to get new equipment or budget for the maintenance and upkeep of the older equipment. Many times the hospital personnel will seek the knowledge of the biomed department... to help determine what path would be more cost effective over time. So, in the grand scheme of equipment maintenance, math definitely plays a large role in the day-to-day operations."

Imagine that you are a senior BMET with a budget of $200,000. You must allocate:

35.4 percent for equipment purchases
40.5 percent for salary costs
15.1 percent for inventory and office supplies

Out of the 100 percent of funds given, what percentage and dollar amount would you have left over in your budget for miscellaneous (general) expenses?