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Fashion Designer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

As a young but ambitious fashion designer, you often visit buyers at various clothing stores to show them your latest designs. You hope the buyers will love your work so much, they'll order a whole line.

You have just returned from one of these meetings. Your assistant tells you the buyer has called and ordered 250 of your flowered dresses and wants them delivered within a week.

You know that will mean working around the clock, but that it will be worthwhile. Now you need to gather up the material you'll need. Each dress requires 2 yards of silk, 4 white buttons, 2 black buttons and a zipper.

Now the problem arises: Because this is a rush job, you can't buy all your material from one supplier. Most supply houses carry only small amounts of each item.

You decide to split the treasure hunt up among yourself and your 4 employees. You'll hit 5 of the supply houses in the city. Figure out how much each person will need to get if each house will only allow you to buy:

  • 120 yards of silk
  • 200 buttons of any 1 color
  • 50 zippers

To make things interesting, it's almost 5 p.m. and the supply houses will be closing soon. You can't afford to lose this night's work, so time is of the essence.