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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Your friend Sunita has a lovely herb garden in her backyard. Recently, she had to take down a fence that blocked the yard from the lane. It'll cost her a lot of money to put a new fence up, and personally, she likes being able to see who's driving by so she can wave to her friends.

Sunita doesn't like to spend too much time gardening. She just likes to leave the garden alone and pick from it as the need arises (she makes an excellent ratatouille). She's worried that the new exposure to the lane and all the traffic will change her herb selection as the years pass.

This is where you come in. Sunita knows you're an experienced ecologist. She hires you to determine the impact of the exposure on her garden.

To do this, you must determine the community similarity coefficient (CSC). This is a mathematical expression of the degree of similarity between the garden before the fence went down and after it went down.

First, you need to take an inventory of her garden on the day she takes the fence down. Here's what it has:

Set A

  • 30 basil
  • 25 oregano
  • 5 mint
  • 14 sweet pea
  • 3 parsley

Because you live in a temperate climate, the seasons have a minor effect. You wait 3 months with the fence down and count the plants again. You get:

Set B

  • 25 basil
  • 20 oregano
  • 10 mint
  • 5 sweet pea
  • 6 parsley
  • 5 dandelions

To calculate the CSC, you use this formula:

C = 2 x W / (A + B)

C is the coefficient.

W is the sum of the lower values that are in both sets. For example, basil is present in both sets, but 25 is the lower of the 2 values. Add up the lower value of all the plants that are in both sets and that is W.

A is the sum total of all plants in Set A.

B is the sum total of all plants in Set B.

C is the amount of difference between the 2 inventories of Sunita's garden. You can turn it into a percentage to say that her garden is only X percent the same as it was 3 months ago.

Take bonus points if you can use your results to guess how similar her garden will be 9 months from the day she took the fence down.