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English Language Teacher Overseas

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

With your college degree and certification as a teacher of English as a foreign language, you are ready to head off and teach English in some faraway land. A placement service says you have a great resume and that you have your choice of jobs.

In fact, the choice is almost dizzying. You have three job offers, all in different parts of the world -- and all are equally attractive to you. So you decide you'll pick the one in which you'll earn the most, since you've got student loans to pay off.

You know it will cost you different amounts to live in each place and different amounts to travel there and back. Rather than take the word of the placement service about which job pays the most, you decide to figure it out for yourself.

Job offer 1: To teach in Portugal for 7,222,399 escudo
Job offer 2: To teach in India for 1,444,948 rupees
Job offer 3: To teach in Singapore for 69,999 Singapore dollars

You'll need the following information:

Rate: Singapore dollar per 1 United States dollar: 1.73
Rate: United States dollar per 1 Singapore dollar: 0.58
Rate: Indian rupee per 1 United States dollar: 44.63
Rate: United States dollar per 1 Indian rupee: 0.02
Rate: Portuguese escudo per 1 United States dollar: 207.73
Rate: United States dollar per 1 Portuguese escudo: 0.005538
Cost of traveling to each destination (round trip):
Portugal: $4,000 US
India: $6,000 US
Singapore: $10,000 US
Living expenses, per year, in each locale:
Portugal: $30,000 US
India: $20,000 US
Singapore: $38,000 US