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Promotions Manager

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

The radio station you work for is planning to give one lucky listener a brand new pickup truck. To win, all someone has to do is guess correctly the number of toy cars inside a huge plastic container on the back of the truck.

After the contest, all the toy cars will be given to a local children's charity.

As the promotions manager for the station, you're responsible for working out the details of this promotion.

You haven't ordered the toy cars to fill the container yet. And you don't know if the truck can support the weight of all those cars!

Here's what you know:

  1. The container is 1 yard wide by 2 yards across and 3 yards tall.
  2. Each toy car is 5 inches long, 3 inches wide and 2 inches tall.
  3. Each toy car weighs 0.6 pounds.
  4. The container weighs 110 pounds.
  5. Your truck can support a maximum weight of 2,200 pounds.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.

  1. About how many toy cars can the container hold?
  2. What will be the total weight of the full container?
  3. Can the truck support the weight?