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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

As a marine engineer, you might spend months at a time at sea, maintaining and repairing the equipment that keeps ships sailing. But even if you're on dry land, you'd better be comfortable with math.

You're the chief engineer aboard a diesel fuel-burning cargo vessel. You have 4 engines keeping the ship moving toward its destination. But 1 day at sea, 1 engine shows sign of weakening.

You may be able to repair it, but you need to know if you can make it to safety with the 3 remaining engines or if it's time to tell the captain to call for help.

This is what you know:

  • With 4 engines operating, the ship could travel at the rate of 12 knots per hour.
  • Each of the 4 engines provides an equal amount of the ship's power.
  • You need to reach your destination in 144 hours. Otherwise, perishable cargo will be ruined and bad weather may pose danger.
  • Your destination is 1,650 knots away.

Will you make it on the remaining engines?