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Electronics Engineering Technologist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

An electronics technologist needs to have a good knowledge of math. "You won't be using it on a day-to-day basis," says electronics technologist Bruce Bonneau. "But you need to have [an] appreciation of how a system works in order to be able to fix it."

You're installing an electronic system and are trying to decide what type of wire to use. Some wires are better at conducting electricity than others.

This is how electricity works:

Electricity flows through a wire, much the same as water flows through a pipe. Just as height or pressure drives the flow of water from one point to another, electrical voltage is the force that drives the electric current through the wire.

Electrical resistance is the friction that slows down the flow of the current. The relationship between the voltage, the current and resistance is called Ohm's law.

Ohm's Law

V (voltage) = I (current) x R (resistance)
Resistance is measured in ohms.

Figure out which metal has the least resistance:


120 volts

20 amps of current


140 volts

21 amps of current


130 volts

16.25 amps of current

What type of wire offers the least resistance, or is the best conductor?