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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

"Organization is the key to a stress-free life," reads the advertisement you have listed in the phone book for your professional organization business, Orderly Solutions. As a professional organizer, you live by that slogan and it shows.

A home business owner comes into your office seeking your services. After a short conversation, you learn that she designs landscapes around the city. And she's been doing it from her den for years.

But now your client wants her den back and wants to separate her office from the rest of the house. You agree to meet with her to help determine the office layout before any organizational work begins.

During the meeting, the client shows you the space in which she has been working. It is a large converted garage, piled high with supplies, computer equipment and books. Then she shows the small child's bedroom that she wants to make her office.

Your first step is to determine if the room will be large enough to suit her needs. So you measure the walls and find that you have these measurements:

Front Wall: 10.5 feet (doorway not included)
Back Wall: 11.25 feet
Left Side Wall: 8 feet
Right Side Wall: 6 feet (closet door not included)
Closet Interior: 2.5 feet deep x 5 feet wide

Then you need to consider the furniture that is to be put in the room:

Desk: 6 feet long with 4 foot left-return
Drawing Table: 6 feet long
Book Shelves: 2 that are 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall
Wire Shelving: 2 that are 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall
Filing Cabinets: 2 that are 4 feet tall, and 2 feet wide
Supply Cabinet: 5 feet wide, 6 feet tall

Will all the furniture fit into the smaller room?