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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You are a telephone operator in a large department store. Your job is to make sure that the incoming calls are transferred to the right person in a smooth and speedy manner.

Part of your job is to keep track of the number of calls that come in each day/week/month/year, and then average them out. Operator Patty Jobs finds that she uses math in the areas of report writing. "I have had to use general math for calculating how many calls we get," she says.

Each week, you tally the number of calls that come to the 4 different departments. Your job at the end of the month is to average the number of calls that each department would get on a daily basis. Taking the following information, figure out the daily average for each department:

Number of calls


Figure out the daily average number of calls each department received for the month. If you want, you could then put your answers in the form of a chart.