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You have been umpiring for over 15 years now. They call you the "Old Pro" because of your keen eye, quick decisions and fairness. Although the pay is never that good, you umpire for the pure enjoyment of it.

The league rules stipulate that after an umpire oversees 50 games, he gets an extra $5 per game. So, while an umpire who called 49 games gets only his regular pay of $25 per game, an umpire who called 71 games gets $25 per game plus an extra $5 for each game over game number 50.

Therefore, for these 21 extra games (71 - 50 = 21), he would earn $30 per game.

After calling 83 games in the regular season, you did another 13 in the playoffs. How much money did you make umpiring for the whole season, including the playoffs? Remember: each game is worth $25. Each game over 50 is worth another $5.