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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You're speaking to a bank teller who was robbed. He's describing the robber. He says the robber had a large, wavy hairdo.

Normally, you draw images to life scale. However, because of the large hairdo, you need to reduce the scale to make sure the drawing will fit on your paper.

A starting point for drawings is usually the colored part of the eye, the iris. On average, a person's iris has a diameter of 0.5 inches.

  1. If your drawing is at 75 percent scale, what will the diameter of the iris be?
  2. If your drawing is at 60 percent scale, what will the diameter of the iris be?
  3. If the robber's actual head measured 6 inches by 9.5 inches (excluding hair), what will the dimensions be in your drawing at 70 percent scale (ideally)?