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Subway and Streetcar Operator

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Streetcar operators use fairly basic math. But they use it throughout their day to make sure they stay on schedule. "We do use math a lot," says Carlos Munoz. He is a streetcar operator. "In order for you to know where you have to be at a certain time, you have to add and subtract minutes all the time."

Streetcar operators also use math when riders ask them about fares.

You are a streetcar operator. You come to a stop. A large group of people is getting on. They are all tourists from a foreign country, traveling together. The group leader asks how much they have to pay for 10 adults, 5 students and 5 children under the age of 12. The fares are as follows.

One adult = $2
One student = $1.40
One child = $0.50