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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

As a police dog handler, you live with your partner.

Your dog has a kennel in the backyard, and you go to work together and come home together. You are in charge of keeping your dog happy, including feeding him, grooming him and taking him to the vet.

You pay for all your dog expenses "out of pocket." You collect all your receipts and then you are reimbursed by the police department.

You have just spent your first year with your police dog, Kaito. Now it's time to give your supervisor an accounting of all the costs. After digging up your receipts, you have found these costs:

Shots: $50
Annual check-up: $150
Other vet visit: $85
Medicine: $25
License: $30
Grooming: $33 per month
Food: $20 every two weeks
Miscellaneous: New leash $60 and flea shampoo $12

How much does your claim total?