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Aircraft Mechanic

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1-2 years post-secondary training

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Time to fill the pilot in on winter alterations:

"You have to use the proper oil to keep the engine running smoothly in cold weather -- it's not the same type we use in the summer. My apprentice will consult your aircraft manual to select the proper one. A number of engine failures have been caused by frozen crankcase breather lines, which cause pressure to build up. This can blow the cap off the oil filler, and result in lost oil supply. She'll also check the flight manual before making any changes to eliminate possible fire hazards.

"Clamps, fittings and seals should be inspected for deterioration because cold weather is tough on them; they can crack or split. The cabin heater must be tested for levels of carbon monoxide entering the cockpit. Every year, accidents occur because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

"Wet cell batteries require special consideration in cold weather. My apprentice will charge the batteries, but I recommend that you remove them from the aircraft when parked outside, to prevent loss of power when the water in them freezes.

"We also want to keep mud and slush off the wheels during taxiing and takeoff. If this material freezes during flight, the landing gear may not work. I want to take off the wheel pants installed on your fixed gear aircraft to prevent this material from freezing onto the wheels or brakes."

You have to be a good communicator in this job -- lives are at stake.