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Civil Engineer

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

As a civil engineer, you won't always be behind your desk. You'll have to get out in front of crowds, too.

So here's what you could write in your proposal:

The sand blew so thick we couldn't see the team of camels that had helped us carry supplies to the base camp. Through the howling wind we heard the distant sound of gunfire and mortar shells exploding. Forty workers lay on stretchers, suffering heat stroke.

It was just another day on the job.

For nearly seven full years, I supervised crews working on one of the most ambitious, dangerous and important civil construction projects in recent years -- a water pipeline that slices across 110 miles of Saudi Arabian desert and brings irrigation to what was once a barren land.

During our time in the desert, we encountered fierce sandstorms that blew for days on end, prayed in vain for rain showers and nearly got caught in the crossfire of a nearby war which lit up the desert sky on calm nights.

But despite the distractions, 11,000 men and women -- and countless load-toting camels -- helped bring the $4-billion project to life. When we were done, water flowed freely where just a short time before there had been none.

This experience left me with a deep well of stories to tell, both about life in the desert and about the difficulties of managing a construction project under such adverse conditions. But above all else, I learned that no matter what the odds or how impossible something seems, almost anything is possible.

"Communication skills are important because you find that you have to present very technical information to non-technical people," says civil engineer Tina Adams. "As you get more experience, your exposure to the general public becomes greater and greater, so you might find that you're presenting the project or the solution to somebody that knows absolutely nothing about engineering.

"The other benefit of having good communication skills is you can sell yourself and the value that you have on a particular team or your particular skills," Adams adds. "Because there's actually a lot of marketing that's involved in the background in civil engineering, to be able to win the [right] to work on the job."