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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You suspect a friend of yours, who's suddenly become obsessed with her weight, may be anorexic. You don't know much about the disorder so you decide to read up about it. Your investigation is much like the research that psychiatrists do in order to learn about disorders.

"It's important to read to keep up with the literature," says Dr. Kamal Rungta. "Psychiatry uses language to communicate, and so careful transcriptions and notes are also important. We need to keep learning."

Carefully read the following passage about anorexia nervosa, and then compare the information to what you know about your friend.

  • Has always been slightly overweight, but recently her weight has taken a nosedive
  • Has taken a recent interest in thinness, and is very proud of her body
  • Never eats, but she still exercises
  • Has always been good at school, but now she seems to be obsessed with getting top marks
Anorexia Nervosa
  • Characterized by severe weight loss or failure to reach expected weight gain
  • Involves strict dieting or other extreme measures, like excessive exercise
  • Patients are marked by their pride in their extreme thinness and preserved energy levels
  • The disturbance of body image may be of delusional proportions
  • The name of the disorder is misleading because there is no loss of appetite
  • Anorexic patients can be divided into those who severely restrict their diet and those who have episodes of bingeing
  • May also induce vomiting or take large amounts of laxatives or diuretics
  • Symptoms include social withdrawal, impaired concentration, apathy, mood swings and preoccupation with food
  • Patients have generalized fear of loss of control and low self-esteem
  • Academic overachievement, excessive studying and anxiety regarding school performance are common

Do you think Sherri is on a dieting kick or could she be anorexic?