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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Everyone knows that smoking is a potentially deadly recreation. Health educators know a lot about smoking and just how deadly it is.

An alarming new survey finds that 53 percent of a local high school's 2,004 students smoke cigarettes on a regular basis. You are working with the school board to develop an anti-smoking program targeted at high school students. Your part in the program is to develop a short true-or-false test to be administered to every student.

Here are some useful facts:

  • Smoking brings a two-times greater risk of fatal heart disease
  • It brings a greater risk of mouth, pancreatic, kidney, bladder and throat cancer
  • It brings a two- to three-times greater risk of peptic (digestive, stomach) ulcers
  • It aggravates sleep disorders
  • Smokers get more colds and respiratory tract infections than non-smokers do
  • Smoking causes increased blood pressure
  • Smoking mothers run a much greater risk of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth
  • "Smoker babies" weigh less at birth and are more apt than other babies to suffer from asthma and ear infections

"Getting the word out is just as important as people responding," says health educator Irene McNee. "After all, people are more apt to trust something when they know more about it. This way, they know the facts, benefits and even the risks involved."

Using a few of these facts and a few false facts of your own, develop a six-fact true-or-false test. Remember, not all of the answers will be true, so don't be afraid to make up some of them. An example of a false answer would be: "Cigarette smokers are more immune to colds than non-smokers." An example of a true one would be "Cigarette smokers get more colds."

After each statement, note whether it's true or false.