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Mechanical Drafter

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Associate's degree

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Mechanical drafters help to transform ideas into reality. This is a complicated process that requires strong communication skills.

"The drafter needs to understand what the engineer or designer wants, implement it, and communicate any problems or concerns if they occur," says Charles Bales, a professor of mechanical drafting and design.

"In many cases you will also need to communicate with production and manufacturing," says Bales. "The communication is technical and precise."

Often, mechanical drafters must attach written documents with their drawings to explain what they’re doing to non-drafters. To ensure that the idea is designed correctly, the written communications must be accurate.

You're a mechanical drafter, and you’ve been given an assignment to revise and edit a piece of technical writing. As you study this document, check for spelling and punctuation errors, mistakes in grammar and the logical presentation of information.


Proper sketching is very important to the communication process. Multiple sloppy sketch marks are not proper sketching in this sense. Proper sketching is legible freehand drawing with crisp dark lines. Guidelines for primary geometry follow:

Sketching Straight Lines

Determine your start and end points. Begin your stroke, but be sure to eye the end point. Start with a very faint construction line, then go over it when you are satisfied with the direction and smoothness of it

Keep in mind proper line types.

Sketching Circles

1. Trammul Method

Mark off the radius of the circle on a piece of paper. Hold one end of the paper radius at the center of the circle mark off the other end of the radius several times at different intervals and sketch the circle through these marks.

2. Enclosing Square Method

Lightly sketch a square that will enclose the circle (i.e. a square with sides equal to the diameter of the circle) Draw the center lines through the midpoints of the sides of the square. Then draw the circle making sure that it is tangent to the square where the centrelines intersect.

Sketching Ellipses

Ellipsis can be sketched using a method similar to the Enclosing Square Method described above for sketching circles. Another method of sketching ellipses is to make several LIGHT elliptical strokes where the ellipse is desired, erase any stray strokes, draw darkly over the desired strokes and clean up the rest.

3. Semi-mechanical Method

Hold two pencils together such that one pencil acts as the needle-point leg of a compass. Place this pencil point at the center of the circle. Place the other pencilpoint at the radius of the circle. The paper can then be rotated about the center point, and the other pencil will describe the circle.

(This page was used with the permission of Jon Smejkal of the department of general engineering at the University of Illinois)