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Subway and Streetcar Operator

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Streetcar operators have to be excellent communicators since they deal with members of the public every day. And those members may come from a wide range of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds.

"The way you express yourself, the way you explain certain rules to people is very important," says Carlos Munoz. He is a streetcar operator. "Some people, some cultures take certain words a certain way, so you have to be careful."

Body language and tone are also important when you deal with the public. Note, though, that streetcar operators have very little time to make their point. They have to keep a schedule.

You are a streetcar operator. A group of tourists wants to get off near a famous city landmark. But traffic along the road that you are traveling is heavy because of rush hour, and you will have to wait until you see an opening before you can let the tourists off through the back door.

They are already standing near the back steps. Indeed, some are already standing on the steps, anxious to get off. Some are even cursing at you, wondering why they cannot get out. What do you tell them?