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Real-Life Activities

You're an agent and you've just received a phone call from the organizers of a local arts festival. A play you've been promoting has been chosen for the festival. It's quite a coup for you, since the players are largely unknown.

The director of the festival has asked you to write a promotional paragraph for the festival's administrator. It will be used in an advertising brochure. You want to make sure this play actually draws people to it. You'd better be prepared to sell it. Here's the information you have on the play:

The Burden is a three-act piece about a woman who struggles to overcome the resentment she feels toward her daughter.

Unknown Carrie Cameron plays the main character. She is forced to come to terms with the fact that she married only because she was pregnant with her daughter. Now she is an unhappy housewife in a loveless marriage. The conflict is only resolved with a startling revelation at the end of the play.

The daughter is played by Patricia Carter, the father by Ben Forbes.

The play is written and directed by Colin Davis for your company, Harris Theaterworks.

Take this information and produce a paragraph for the festival's brochure. Be creative in your approach. Remember, the play is only successful if people come to see it!