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Special Effects Artist/Animator

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Bachelor's degree

Real-Life Activities

You are a visual effects technician working at a post-production firm. For this next project, you have been promoted to head a team of artists who have expertise in a range of visual effects specialties.

Having spent many years as a visual effects technician, you know that excellent communication skills are essential. As a supervisor or head of a team, you soon come to realize that this skill set is especially important.

On this particular day, you and the head of the company will be meeting the director. This will be the first time you will meet the film's director and you want to make a good impression. Immediately, you and the director click.

As the meeting progresses however, you and the director begin to butt heads over a particular shot. What he is demanding for the scene is currently beyond today's technology.

You want to respect the director's creative vision for the shot, but you need to convince him that what he is demanding is just not possible. You want to negotiate but also keep the peace between all parties. What could you tell the director?