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Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers Supervisor

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Real-Life Activities

Arlene, a landscape architect, has set out a few guidelines for you to choose two types of conifers for a driveway garden. After looking at six different species, you choose two.

You decide to choose the picea glauca var. albertina conica for the center of the garden because it is bright green, shaped like a pyramid or triangle and matures in about 10 years. This matches all the criteria set out by Arlene, the landscape architect.

You decide to choose the picea glauca var. albertina for the edge of the garden because it is also bright green, is shaped like a globe and matures in 10 years. This also matches all the criteria set by Arlene.

"Communication skills are important," says Rick Doesburg, a landscape contractor. "I recommend that students in college get involved in campus activities to practice communications and leadership skills."