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Computer Programmer

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Real-Life Activities

Computer programmers are experts at using computer language to communicate with computers. However, you should be able to communicate with more than a computer if you want to succeed in this field.

"Written and oral comprehension levels must be very high," says Sandra Wernham, a computer technology coordinator. "Programmers must not only be able to understand technical material, they must be able to translate it into everyday language."

As the sole computer programmer in a large government office, you do a lot more than designing and writing computer programs. Most of the computer users in the office had never even touched a computer before working with the office system, so you're often approached for help with questions and minor disasters.

You take it all in stride and do your best to help out.

But problems do come up. Today, for example, a computer user in your office has come to you for advice. He tells you he finally attempted to send a fax through his computer, but can't get his fax modem working properly. When he tries to send a fax, the process begins but is never completed. You're not familiar with this problem, so you decide to start with the obvious solution. You dig up the fax modem manual and check out the troubleshooting section.

Read the following text from a standard manual. In non-technical language, describe at least three things that could be going wrong with your co-worker's fax transmission.


Problem: Your modem or fax-modem disconnects while communicating remotely.

Possible Cause: The recipient of the fax transmission may have hung up. Interruptions on the part of the recipient will cause the sender of the transmission to disconnect.

Possible Cause: Your telephone line may have call waiting and a call has come in. It can be disabled in the modem setup dialog box. If this does not work, contact your local telephone company.

Possible Cause: Someone may be picking up an extension connected to the line your modem or fax modem is using.

Possible Cause: You are using MNP5 or v.42bis modem and the other modem does not support MNP5 or v.42bis. Refer to your modem manual and disable them.

Possible Cause: Your line settings do not match those of the other communicating device.