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To: Splat! Fly Swatters Inc.Re: Invoice for brochureRate: See belowTerms: 30 days netHourly breakdown: 14.5 hours (11 h production; 3.5 h art direction)Balance owing: $672.50


Hello Sampson,

It was good working with you on another excellent brochure for Splat!

Here's the invoice. The price reflects not only the time spent producing the brochure (writing, layout) but also the morning that I spent with the photographer shooting the photos.

Here's the breakdown:

Design and art production: 11 hours @ $50 per hour = $550Art direction: 3.5 hours @ $35 per hour = $122.50

I'm sorry to have to charge you for the time spent with the photographer, but I really did have to be there for that. Believe me -- being there while the photographer is working is the kind of thing that ends up saving both headaches and money (not to mention reshoots) in the long run.

Let me know if this is all right with you, and we can talk. Thank you again for choosing me to work on this project! It's always appreciated.