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Post-secondary Philosophy and Religion Teacher

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Communication skills are crucial to philosophy professors. "Sometimes, one needs to be able to talk about very abstract things in terms that are simple enough for most people to understand," says Mui (May) H. Sim. She works in the philosophy department at a university.

"At other times, one needs to communicate certain concepts. This is more like teaching a new language. New terms and new meanings allow my students to see the world differently."

These are questions that philosophers have to ask themselves:

  • Have you paraphrased (restated in your own words) the content (argument, theme, assumptions, consequences) of the reading?
  • Have you critically evaluated the reading? Did you assess the wisdom of the author's reasoning and the examples and evidence used?
  • Have you expressed your views and arguments clearly?
  • Have you said anything original?

Using the above set of questions as a guideline, write a short 350- to 500-word argument against school uniforms.