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Real-Life Activities

The stable manager makes his or her money taking care of horses. Although some of these creatures are beloved family pets, most of them are prized race and show horses.

They usually require a great degree of attention. As a stable manager, it is your job to make sure the horses in your care are groomed, protected and even pampered a little. A comfortable horse is a happy horse.

The leading horsing magazine, Jump Boy, is trying to get your business, Kildonan Stables Inc., to take out an ad. You think this is a smashing idea. After all, with an average readership of 600,000 per month, you can't help but be interested.

You've always felt your prices to be the lowest anywhere and your services to be top notch. "What the heck?" you think to yourself. "Why not spend the $100 for the ad space? It might mean 100 or 1,000 new clients in the next year or two."

Here are the things you will want to throw into the ad:

  • Kildonan Stables has 25 people on staff
  • Costs: breaking and training is $40 per day, board is $25 per day, yearling grooming and care is $20 per day, foal grooming and care is $10 per day
  • Discounts: for a horse in care for 90 days it is 10 percent, after 120 days it is 15 percent, after 180 days it is 18 percent, after one year it is 20 percent
  • The stable has been in business since 1909
  • You have had no less than three Kentucky Derby champions come through your gates since 1995
  • You have 15 stables of 24 stalls each and over 5,000 acres of land
  • Quotes from folks:

- Bobby Green (champion horse breeder): "These guys know what they're doing. I got my start here and learned everything I know about horses at Kildonan."

- Suzanne Jones (champion horse breeder, published author): "Take it from me, Kildonan is one of the top horse care places in all of North America. I've sent my horses here in the past and I will continue to do so in the future. They're the best!"

Write the ad.