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Real-Life Activities

You're an animal nutritionist preparing a talk about nutrition and winterizing cattle herds. You will be giving the presentation to local cattle ranchers tomorrow. You compile a list of some of the questions you anticipate the ranchers asking. Here is how you might answer them:

  1. Why do you think the hay this year will be lower in nutrients?

    I believe the hay this year will be lower in quality because of the heavy rains. This meant that the grass became more mature before harvest, and therefore less nutritious.

  2. Why is the amount of protein in feed so important over the winter?

    The amount of protein in feed is important because many of the pregnant cows in a herd will be in their third trimester of pregnancy. This is the time when they need the most nutrients in their feed.

  3. Why do I need to have my hay analyzed if the rancher down the road is having his done?

    Each ranch and ultimately each cut of hay should be analyzed because the nutrient value of each will vary.