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To: Supervisors
From: Agent X
Subject: Improper work ethics

In response to a request made by Mr. Richardson, I am outlining recent mistakes I have made regarding the Withers-Graham deal.

I will outline rules I have broken regarding advice, guarantee and conflict of interest.

Advice: I recommended to my client that a lawyer was not needed. Instead, I should have recommended he consult a lawyer to deal with potentially complicated legal matters.

Guarantee: I guaranteed the client that the property would make money. This is not something I can guarantee. As a real estate agent, I should never have made such a promise.

Conflict of interest: I own 50 percent of the property with Mr. Withers. I failed to inform the client of this conflict of interest and rather told him that Mr. Withers owned the land solely.

I understand you will be reviewing my employment as a result of these activities.

Yours truly,
Agent X

Every real estate agent is expected to follow the rules. For instance, the National Association of Realtors has a code of ethics it expects all of its associates to follow. It consists of 17 separate articles. The code encourages real estate agents to conform to the highest ideals of professionalism in the real estate industry.

"These obligations are based upon moral integrity, competent service to clients and customers, and dedication to the public interest and welfare," says the association. "Safeguarding the rights of all consumers of real estate services, has not, and will never, change."